Documentation example

Main documentation content

Main documentation content block is contained in grid col-9. Any standard base elements or Vanilla components can be used in the documentation pages.


Below you can find examples of components commonly used in documentation

Code blocks

// Import Vanilla framework
    @import 'vanilla-framework';

    // Include base Vanilla styles
    @include vf-base;

    // Include the components you want
    @include vf-p-buttons;
    @include vf-p-forms;
    @include vf-p-links;



Interface name Description Auto-connect
account-control add/remove user accounts or change passwords no
accounts-service allows communication with the accounts service no
adb-support allows operating as Android Debug Bridge service no
alsa play or record sound no
appstream-metadata allows access to AppStream metadata no


In versions prior to v.2.6.1 the add-cloud command only operates locally (there is no --local option).

Multi-cloud functionality via add-cloud (not add-k8s) is available as “early access” and requires the use of a feature flag. Once the controller is created, you can enable it with: juju controller-config features="[multi-cloud]"

Last updated 29 days ago. Help improve this document in the forum.


Main documentation content block is contained in grid col-9.

For two columns split use two col-4 columns.

For three columns split use three col-3 columns.