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Browser support

Vanilla framework follows the principles of progressive enhancement and web standards. Users should be able to access core content and functionality from any browser or operating system, with varying degrees of access to visual and other enhancements — design components do not have to look exactly the same on every browser.

Bugs and prioritisation

  • If the bug prevents access to core content (for example, by hiding it or covering it), it should be prioritised
  • If the bug relates to visual differences that do not affect access to content on modern browsers, it should be queued up
  • Priority level should be determined case by case
  • If the bug relates to visual differences that do not affect access to content on old browsers, it should be deprioritised

Supported browsers

The following are the browsers that we actively test all components on. That does not mean other browsers are not supported or that bugs reported are not acted on.

  • Chrome 62 or greater

  • Firefox 56 or greater

  • Safari 11 or greater

  • Edge 16 or greater

  • Opera 48 or greater