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Rich vertical list

Work in progress

Vanilla's patterns are newly released and still evolving as we receive feedback.

The rich vertical list is used to display a list alongside a title, logo section, image, and call-to-action block.

The list inside the rich list is a divided list, which is a list with a horizontal divider between each item. The list items can be bulletless, bulleted, ticked, or ordered.

By default, text is on the left and the image is on the right.

The rich vertical list pattern is composed of the following elements:

Element Description
Title (required) H2 title text.
Logo section A logo section component.
Description p description text.
List A divided list with up to 7 list items.
Call to action block Call to action block beneath the description.
Image (required) Main list visual.


The horizontal ordering of the rich list columns can also be reversed, creating a flipped layout.


The only mandatory elements in the rich vertical list are the title and the image, and one of the other (optional) elements.

Jinja Macro

The vf_rich_vertical_list Jinja macro can be used to generate a rich vertical list pattern. The API for the macro is shown below.


Name Required? Type Default Description
title_text Yes string N/A Title of the rich vertical list.
list_item_tick_style No One of:
N/A Type of list item tick styling.
is_flipped No boolean false Whether the list items are flipped so the image is on the left and the text is on the right.


Name Required? Description
description No Paragraph-style description of the list.
logo_section No A logo section component.
list_item_[1-7] No Contents of a .p-list__item element for the list item.
cta No Contents of a CTA block to display beneath the list.
image Yes Main list visual.


Jinja Macro

To import the Rich Vertical List Jinja macro, copy the following import statement into your Jinja template.

{% from "_macros/vf_rich-vertical-list.jinja" import vf_rich_vertical_list %}

View the building with Jinja macros guide for macro installation instructions.


Since Patterns leverage many other parts of Vanilla in their composition and content, we recommend importing the entirety of Vanilla for full support.