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How it works

Cards are content containers. They are useful for creating a responsive site, and help users scroll through similar content at ease. They are used as a teaser, and contain a link to more content.


This component strives to follow WCAG 2.1 (level AA) guidelines, and care must be taken to ensure this effort is maintained when the component is implemented across other projects. This section offers advice to that effect:

  • The headings in the cards should follow the heading hierarchy of the page.
  • Make sure the tab order makes sense, and that all appropriate elements are focusable.
  • There should also be a logical order within the card, heading first and related content to follow.
  • Headings should briefly and accurately describe the content of the card
  • Link text must be meaningful and clear.
  • Avoid wrapping the entire container in a link, as the entire content of the container will be read out as a link by the screen reader.
  • Avoid multiple elements linking to the same place. Choose one element in the card to link from.
  • If an image is used as a link, then the alt text of the image should replace the link text. Alternatively, add aria-label to the link element wrapping the image.
