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How it works

The contextual menu is a secondary menu which can be applied to any button. The button contains a few aria-attributes:

  • An aria-controls attribute matching the id of the span containing the menu.
  • An aria-expanded attribute, the value always being the opposite of the aria-hidden value on the span containing the menu.
  • An aria-haspopup with the value of true.
  • Keyboard interaction:
    • The Enter and space keys opens the menu
    • The Escape closes the menu
    • When the menu is open, the Tab key will move through the menu items and once it leaves the final item, the menu closes. AT will then announce the pop up has collapsed.


This component strives to follow WCAG 2.1 (level AA) guidelines, and care must be taken to ensure this effort is maintained when the component is implemented across other projects. This section offers advice to that effect:

  • The control element should have the role=”button”, in our example we use the native button element.
  • JavaScript will be needed to show/hide the content of the menu. The script should find the toggle element .p-contextual-menu__toggle, and what it controls via aria-controls.
  • The target element is shown/hidden by changing aria-hidden to true or false accordingly. The aria-expanded attribute on the control element should change accordingly.
  • When using the p-contextual-menu__toggle class on a button element, please ensure that the button label contains a trailing ellipsis ..., e.g. "Take action...". This is a convention used to indicate that the button launches a dialog.
  • In cases where a contextual menu is shown on click, focus should be set within the menu element, using JavaScript.
