The button component is used to trigger an action or event - this could be opening or closing a modal, navigating to the next page, or cancelling an action. Rather than adding role=button
to links, it’s always advisable to use the native HTML button element, as native HTML buttons provide keyboard and focus requirements by default and are best supported by assistive technologies.
This component strives to follow WCAG 2.2 (level AA) guidelines, and care must be taken to ensure this effort is maintained when the component is implemented across other projects. This section offers advice to that effect:
or Enter
or aria-labelledby
which matches the ID of the description.aria-pressed="true"
to the button with JavaScript when the button is clicked, and removed when necessary.Note: It’s important to use button and link elements accurately. Controls with button-like behaviour (e.g. opening models, submitting forms) should be designed like buttons using the button element, and regular text links (e.g. going to an external page) should be designed like text links using the link element.